Azure Tip : Enable Debug Mode on Azure Portal

I was checking out this cool feature on the Azure Portal Today. I usually spent 3 hours per week on evaluating the new features or building something new on Azure. Azure Portal is for a lot of developers is the go-to place to manage all their Azure resources and services. Most often i hear from… Read More Azure Tip : Enable Debug Mode on Azure Portal

Wear out the features of Azure CosmosDB with AspNetCore application

Azure CosmosDB (Azure Cosmos DB – Globally Distributed Database Service (formerly DocumentDB) | Microsoft Azure) is a super set of the service once known as “Azure Document Db”. In short: “Azure CosmosDB ” = “Azure Document Db” + new data types + new APIs. You can try CosmosDB  for free on Azure or you can setup the CosmosDB on your local… Read More Wear out the features of Azure CosmosDB with AspNetCore application

Start using Azure Logic apps and save your time

This is my first blog and Azure and i am inspired to write this one after attending the Microsoft’s workshop “App innovation day”.There was a cool technology “Windows Workflow Foundation” provided by Microsoft with dot net framework to create workflows to cater business logic in dot net applications. With Azure, The Logic Apps service fulfill… Read More Start using Azure Logic apps and save your time